Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The Rest of 2010 - CAC Christmas Program

Way back in 2010, on December 17, Braden's school had their Christmas program. They had chapel and then sang a few Christmas songs. The classes had made t-shirts with their handprints in the shape of a wreath. I am thinking for next year Braden may need a Santa hat that is about 1/2 the size of the one he had on- it didn't help that he decided to wear it so far back on his head! I actually didn't realize it was so big until I saw the other kids with smaller ones- guess I thought Santa hats were "one size fits all." Not so, I tell you.
After the program, the class headed to Chuck E Cheese for the Christmas party. The kids had a blast and their was no work or clean up to do for parents. Yea! Of course, now Braden has decided he must have his 5th birthday at Chuck E Cheese - 5th birthday! How are we even talking about this?!!?

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