Friday, August 12, 2011

Officially in Kindergarten!

Braden has been waiting for SO long for this day.  If he could have, he would have skipped Pre-K4 and headed straight for Kindergarten.  You see, in Kindergarten he switched from a school of just 3's and 4's to a BIG school with BIG kids.  He has told everyone he meets that he is going into Kindergarten.
(the pics posted backwards...oops!)
 Giving sister a big hug good-bye!
 So excited to have a cubby!
 Kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Rowan

 The character back pack that I am still cringing over.

 The morning of Kindergarten!
 Last night before Kindergarten!
Where has my baby boy gone???

His mama, on the other hand, has been contemplating where the last 5 years have gone and how on earth do I have a child in Kindergarten?!  I have shed a few tears over realizing my little baby boy is growing up, but I am so proud of Braden and the big kid that he is becoming!  Here's to a great Kindergarten year!


  1. HOpe his first day was great! Kayden doesn't give many details. Drives me crazy!

  2. Angela - hope he's enjoyed kindergarten so far. I'm laughing at the character backpack comment. I let Ayla have "dora" for preschool, and Paxton has a Cars backpack for preschool. But for kindergarten, I wanted a little more say. I vetoed the princess backpack and agreed to a SUPER cute Hello Kitty one instead. :)
