The only thing he asked for- a fishing rod from Mimi- and of course he got it!
So he went fishing in the back yard.
Construction cake
Allison had as much fun as the big kids!
He takes gymnastics at school and then we go on Thursdays to the community center for gymnastics, so the kids are familiar with the equipment. He loves to do flips on the bars.
Waiting for the air track to air up. See Allison sitting in the middle?
Balance beam with his friend Samuel
Blowing out the candles! He thought at that moment he was officially 4! We didn't tell him any different.
Lots of kiddos!
Tried to get a group pic, but didn't exactly happen...
We have had Birthday mania around here! The Saturday before last we had a morning birthday party and an afternoon party for friends, this coming Saturday we have a birthday party for a friend, but our big party was last weekend- BRADEN TURNED 4!!!
He automatically thought because he had his 3 year old party and the Little Gym, that his 4 year party should be there too- fine by me! We had friends from school, church, Mommy and Me, neighbors, and even a college roommate! It was chaotic but fun! Afterwards, Jason's family and my family came over and Braden opened a couple more presents and we grilled burgers.
Braden's (and Allison's) big present is still in the box. He got a swingset from grandparents! It will be so fun when it is assembled, but we have to have a nice sunny couple of days to get it up.
My mom took a couple of days off work to stay with me and it was a HUGE help. I scheduled 5 appointments in the 2 days she was here. You girls that have Mamas in the same town are SO lucky!!!
Thanks Mom! We miss you!
4th Birthday Party for Braden- CHECK!!
Love that little gym...we don't have anything like that around here. And, yay for your mom being there. I am very spoiled!