Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The Lean Mean Mowin' Machines

Jason has a t-shirt that says "The Lean Mean Mowin' Machine" that my parents had picked up for him somewhere. This describes him perfectly b/c he is TOTALLY anal about our yard! Now look who is following (literally) in his footsteps!

Braden has decided that the lawnmower is too loud so he wears "earmuffs," as he calls them.

They actually mowed the lawn last Thursday before the 2+ inch snow on Sunday- go figure- That's Illinois weather for ya!


  1. awwwh, that is so cute! I remember the lawn mowing stage that Ben went through...I think it lasted for about 2 summers!! It looks like Braden is doing a great job following the lines right behind his daddy!! That will pay off in about 10 years or so!!:):)

  2. those pictures are too cute. the earmuffs cracked me up
